.. _ref_media: ===== Media ===== This page provides links to talks and presentations about BioSimSpace. ---------- The following YouTube video is a `talk `__ given by `Christopher Woods `__ for the `Bioexcel `__ webinar series. .. youtube:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD8mhj3WElE ---------- The following YouTube video is a talk given by `Julien Michel `__ at the `D3R 2019 workshop `__: .. youtube:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyaZ4OST7t4 (Slides can be found `here `__.) ---------- This `blog post `__ describes how BioSimSpace is used as part of the free energy perturbation pipeline within `Cresset's `__ upcoming version 3 release of `Flare `__.